Let's start with some figures that Hammer Six brought, all Germans of course - and all great looking figures!
The cook is a Sideshow Sgt. Schultz that has had his legs shortened a bit.
Well, it has been a while since I have added an update. I missed a couple of meetings, and then forgot to take a camera a couple of times. If you are curious about what happened in the March through June meetings, you can catch shots that Panzercommander took over on the club's facebook page. I will try to do a little better job going forward - PM Let's start with some figures that Hammer Six brought, all Germans of course - and all great looking figures! GI George had this great looking PUNISHER figure from the Marvel TV show - DARE DEVIL. A great looking figure, that sculpt is tremendous!. I really like the scene that he put him into as well - a building wall and street made from foam insulation board, a little paint and it looks tremendous. Amaral brought three custom creations, a WWII Russian soldier and two African soldiers (which I didn't get the whole story on). They look tremendous though. Great uniforms and gear, and the sculpts are really unique. MADDOG CORPORAL brought two customized figures, one is a 90's era American GI wearing gear that Shawn wore when he was in the Army. The second figure is a modern Israel soldier, a fairly new figure. It is really nice and the sculpt is outstanding. Point Man brought his newest project, a Cyber Hobby German Field Kitchen. He bought the field kitchen off of club member, DRONE and it has been sitting on a shelf in his War Room for several months. Now he is beginning to gather items to kit it out. The tables, stool, crates and most of the tools are scratchbuilt. Bread is from Dragon and DID. Potatoes and carrots are made with Sculpey. There are some Dragon and DID canisters as well and all of the personal paper stuff is stuff made using the computer and a printer. The art is all available at the club's printable link. The cook is a Sideshow Sgt. Schultz that has had his legs shortened a bit. Finally, one of our newest club members, Greg, reminded us that we had a holiday the day before the meeting with this patriotic Captain America/Uncle Sam display. A great idea for sure! and that's all for JULY!
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This update is going to be all over the board. I missed the January meeting, so there is no update for last month, but I have a few pictures from this month's meeting, courtesy of Panzercommander, as well as a few shots from the December Christmas party/swap meet. so here we go. We'll start with this month's meeting... Above - Trooper George brought this really cool figure that he recently picked up. It is a "Dark Zone Agent". I've never heard of it, but apparently Dark Zone is a fairly cool video game. We were all very impressed with this figure though. A ton of really cool detail and gear. I personally gave this the two thumbs up for cool. This one has been featured before, but it is kind of an "oldie but goodie" - Point Man's desert SAS, bashed from a Hasbro Jeep. Point Man brought it to the meeting for Gray Ghost to take. Gray Ghost is going to do a scene for The Entertrainment Junction show in March based on this photo; Gray Ghost has been working on the other two Jeeps and crews and he is putting together a figure of the officer as well. It is going to be a great display and a real treat for folks that come to the show (shameless plug there). Here's another shot of Point Man's Jeep from the other side. Dr. Zorkon showed off this Hot Toy's Batman and Robin duo set in a really nice diorama done by his co-worker. That background wall is completely done out of foam. It was a beautiful piece. I would like to order about a dozen of those walls for various scenes. Really nice work. Trooper Tim also had some interesting figures that he showed off. I am not sure if the large robot thing in the center is from a game or is the "Hulk Buster" from the Avengers, but Tim has done a great job of re-purposing a inexpensive toy, turning it into a fairly cool looking Sci-Fi piece. This gets a two thumbs up in my book too. Awesome job man.
If you live in the midwest and haven't made plans to attend the show, you should really think about it. Unlike some other shows I could name, this SSCC show is about displaying 1:6th figures and vehicles. Members are there to interact with other hobbyists. That said, we've got five 1:6th vendors lined up this year and there will be plenty of product there at decent prices. This could be your last chance to pick up some older items that are quickly disappearing from the shelves of online retailers. Typically in JULY, we have a party/swap meet at Point Man's place, we weren't able to do it this year, but Point Man had everyone to his place in December for a Christmas party/swap meet. There wasn't a ton of eye candy there, most of it was sales and trade tables, but Dr. Zorkon did bring these two beauties for everyone to ooh and ah over. First was this beautiful 1:6th Ferrari being shown off by Bruce Wayne... It is an awesome piece, but the real show stopper was the Time Machine from Back to the Future. This thing had so much detail and really cool light up features, you have expected it to rise up into the air and take off. Both were really cool. I do have a few shots of some of Point Man's war room. Point Man has been combining some 1:1 with his 1:6th and those glass cases from Ikea really add to the museum effect. Point Man now has 23 of those cases and says he is running out of room. Seems like an okay problem to have. Well, that's about it for this update. Hope to see you at the ETJ show in March. Details for the show are on the home page.
y apologies for the the lateness of this post... forgot these photos were on my phone. I missed the October meeting and then forgot all about these... getting old definitely sucks. Anyway, here are the few pics that I have from the November meeting... Point Man and Gray Ghost are working on a desert SAS theme for the show at Entertrainment in March 2017. Well, actually Gray Ghost is working on an SAS theme. Point Man finished his desert version SAS jeep several years back (on left). It is a heavily modified Hasbro Jeep. Gray Ghost, showing a nearly completed WIP SAS Jeep on the right. This is one of two that he is putting together. This is also a modified Hasbro Jeep, with a lot of sweet details. It even has a Dragon grill piece, rather than the Hasbro Willy's MB grill. Pretty cool that it fit (those little Hasbro Jeeps were better than you thought as far as scale goes). Here's the same Jeep from the other side. All that is needed is a crew and a few crew details. It really looks sharp. The dio is definitely going to be cool. Hammer Six put together this really neat display of SA troopers. Each one was labeled for our edification. A really unique collection of prewar Germans. Here is a closeup of a couple of those SA troopers. Great attention to detail. I really appreciated the info cards. Trooper Tim put together a little diorama of one of his Sci-Fi subjects. I think this is a futuristic soldier with a remote control or "one man" armored car. Kind of an interesting idea for using something of a smaller scale and making it serve another purpose in 1/6th. I believe he also put together this modern/future trooper. I like the ruined brick wall as a background. GI George had this futuristic road warrior, using one of those metal motorcycles that you can find at hobby lobby. Pretty cool idea (Mad Max can't be far behind). George also had some WWII figures that I think were still WIPs. Seemed like he was doing a little horse trading with Panzercommander to get some pieces he needed during the meeting. All in all, a great meeting. It was about a medium sized group and we all had a fun time sitting around, chewing the fat. Until next time!
Each month the SSCC meets at the Mason Township Hall. Sometimes the township folks have a meeting and we get moved to a smaller back room. This was one of those meetings. We had a good group, but space for eye candy was limited. I got a few though, so here they are... Point Man's Vietnam Gun Truck, which can be seen elsewhere on this site (see bottom of menu) - Point Man and Gray Ghost got together at the end of August to put together Gray Ghost's Gun Truck, which also made it's debute at this meeting. That's Gray Ghost's Gun Truck on the right with the 50 cal. It is still a WIP, needing only a few more details and some weathering to complete it. Already it is a cool looking beast. The netting and supplies on the cargo rack are removable, which is kind of cool. All we need now is some cargo trucks for a Vietnam convoy. 10-4 good buddy! Some figures from GI George - A Russian Trooper, a Vietnam Infantry Soldier and I am not sure what the guy in black is...I mean, other than cool. Here's a closeup of that Infantry soldier. Dr. Zorkon had this cool like Creature of the Black Lagoon vignette. All we need is a little water (would that be "old black water"?) Dr. Zorkon also had this great looking James Bond with a Ferrari. The car is really nice with a detailed interior. Eric B. brought a styrofoam building and some WWII American Paratroopers. There was no place to set it up except the floor and I'm afraid my pictures aren't very good because I had no desire to get down on the floor. Well, it was dirty and I also would have had a hard time getting back up. Anyway, the Paratroopers are really nicely put together with first class uniforms and gear. Great job Eric. And that was about it. There were a couple of other things there, but unfortunately I waited to late to take pictures and folks had packed up. It was a good meeting though and well attended. Looking forward to the next one.
As usual I'm running a little slow on getting meeting pictures posted. We had a good group of folks at the August meeting and a fair amount of eye candy. These pics were taken with my phone, rather than my camera and are a little grainy, I also apologize to members who's projects do not appear in this recap. Some of the shots came out really dark and you simply can't tell what they are. Anyway, here is what I did get... Point Man had a couple of WWII War Correspondents with a Jeep and all of their gear, including a scratchbuilt field desk. A slightly different view from above. The Jeep is a slightly modified Hasbro Jeep with a new paint job. Point Man also had this quartet of Normandy Tank hunters, bashed from a variety of accessories from different figures... ...all they need is a hedgerow and some American targets. Another Hasbro Jeep from Point Man with a collection of later-war GIs from the 4th Armored Division. The GIs are a combination of Dragon, 21st, Auggie Romero and Newline pieces... The Jeep has been modified with a stowage bin on the back and a couple of radios. There was also a wire cutter added to the front bumper. King Tiger had created a small Jungle vignette for the evening and used it to display some Japanese soldiers.... which seem to be advancing unseen on Point Man's troops. Pretty cool little slice of South Pacific jungle. Trooper George had this really cool kitbashed PMC figure. I love the beard that he has on this guy. It really gives the sculpt a lot of character. Panzercommander continued the Jeep theme with this Dragon Jeep and US ETO soldiers. As always, highly detailed with great looking gear... ...I love that BBI pack radio. It is one sharp looking piece. Great Job Buddy! And that is pretty much the August meeting. We are only about a week and a half away from the September meeting and I am already anxious to see what everyone is going to bring.
I apologize that there was not an update for JUNE. I was not at the June meeting as as far as I know there were not any photos taken at that meeting. The July meeting had a fair amount of eye candy. Point Man brought several projects that he had recently been working on and we will start with those. This first shot shows two Dragon Jeeps from Point Man's 4th Armored, 37th Tank Battalion unit, along with some of his 4th Armored Mechanized Infantry figures. He brought these to show a Dragon Jeep kit that he had just completed (foreground) as compared to the ready to run version behind it. It seems like an opportune time to promote the kit as it has recently become available again from Dragon. You can order it from most of the online retailers. Here are both vehicles from the back and as you can see, they are essentially the same, other than the fact that the kit takes a considerable bit more patience, than just taking the ready to run one out of the box. Here's another shot of the kit, lettered as Headquarters Vehicle no. 2. This ETO version of the Jeep was actually built from a SAS Desert Jeep kit that Point Man had on hand. It contained all the necessary parts to do a standard Jeep, except for the glass windshield. Point Man came up with his own, but admits it was a pain in the but as the inside windshield frame was originally molded into the clear plastic piece. He had to create his own with sheet styrene. The Out of the Box version with re-lettered front and back bumpers. He added a little additional weathering to finish it out. A quick Point Man dio, built on a frame that he picked up at Hobby Lobby. It features a Dragon Schwimmwagen an Waffen SS in Autumn Camouflage. The groundwork for the dirt road was first sprayed on the board with some Testor's textured paint. Then some Woodland Scenics groundwork material was added. The grass is from a piece of artificial turf found at Home Depot. The signpost is made of basswood with computer generated "Signs" glued on. The figures are all Dragon and the uniforms and gear are mixture of different manufacturer's products. The next thing that Point Man pulled out of his vehicle was this Vietnam era chopper that he has been working on for several months. It is still a work in progress, but it is getting closer and closer to completion. The latest modification was a new tail section. The 21st Century Toys Vietnam chopper was actually a modern AH-6 Little Bird with a paint job. Point Man has been working hard to backdate the bird to what it would have actually looked like in the '60's and '70's. This includes a completely new interior, a new tail section and eventually a four bladed rotor, rather than the five bladed one that came with the toy. The mini gun on the left side was actually a little short for the model, so Point Man had to lengthen the barrels with styrene rod and strip. The back compartment bulkhead was discarded and a new one had to be created to make the back compartment deeper. Yeah, it's still not scale, but it is at least a little closer. ![]() The instrument panels in the OH-6 and the AH-6 are completely different. Point Man created scale artwork for a new panel before starting on the actual thing. That artwork is available to folks that are interested in trying the modification. J. Kidd brought this great looking British Stuart (M-5) and crew. The tank is leathered for the Irish Guards and is meant to portray a light tank and crew taking part in the Market Garden Operation. A nice variety of uniforms and gear have been done by John to add to this interesting and unique subject. There just isn't that much that has been done in terms of British armored vehicles and crews, this is a really nice change. John created the British insignia using his computer, as well as a little free-hand painting here and there. Great job Mr. Kidd. Hammer Six brought an interesting German Figure comparison (Two figures on the right). These are essentially the same release, one by Cyber Hobby and the other by Soldier Story. Both figures include all the same gear, but there are quite a few differences in some of the uniform materials, the painting process, etc. Oh, and as we all found out during the course of the evening... one stands really well and the other does not. To the left, were three German bashes that he did in time for the meeting. All great looking figures all around. Trooper Tim brought this cool looking roadster that he picked up. He says it needs a little work, but it is pretty cool already. I am ,of course, already trying to figure out how to turn it into a 1940's coupe . He also showed this modern/Sci Fi troopers. Of course, anymore... a lot of modern stuff does look pretty Sci Fi. I particularly like the camouflaged one. George brought this nice looking Hummer (forget who made these things) and what I think are some PMCs; though I am pretty sure that guy in the suit must be CIA. He looks like the type. Nice job all around George. Like those camouflaged pants, nicely weathered. Panzercommander actually bashed this guy while we were having the meeting. If you look at the book, you will see the figure he was creating directly below the figure. Pretty cool. As always, Panzercommander has used top of the line uniform and gear to complete the bash and it looks top notch from helmet to actual leather boots. Great looking figure! Above, two different angles on the same WWII Soviet figure, bashed by Maddog Corporal. A nice sculpt and a great combination of uniform pieces and accessories.
This guy just looks like he is going to start spouting off with some serious propaganda. Nice job Maddog. And that was about it. It was a great meeting, plenty to see and lots of BS flying. Everyone had a great time. Until next month - later! I must apologize because I never got around to posting the April Meeting photos. So this month you get a double header. We'll start with the April photos first. We'll start with some German figures from Hammer Six. This first one is a German MG42 gunner in cold weather gear. Next, below was the DID Reinhard Heydrich SS Obergruppenfuhrer figure. I really think DID did a nice job on this one, very detailed with a nice sculpt. Here's that DID Army Supply Duty figure that stirred so much controversy because the sculpt looked like some soccer player, who's name I can't recall. Well, be that as it may, it is still a great figure and I like the sculpt. This appears to be a bashed figure with a Gangster Kingdom sculpt. Judging from the scowl, he is not particularly happy with lunch. Hammer Six completed his April Eye Candy with this Hitler Youth bashed from a Ron Weasley figure. Kind of a fun bash. Below we have a couple of Vietnam era U.S. Infantry soldiers by Gray Ghost. The first is an African American figure by Dragon. I should mention that both of these figures were WIP projects. You'll notice that there aren't any ammo pouches yet, Gray Ghost was working on procuring those at the time. This photo, below, shows the ARVN rucksack by 21st Century, updated with new straps and a homemade, hand painted helmet cover by Gray Ghost. Very nice job on both items. Point Man's bashed Wolverine figure with Triumph motorcycle. The headsculpt is a custom job bought from overseas and the outfit is one that was done by one of those little companies that does a number of movie related outfits. The hands with the claws at the bottom of the frame actually have metal claws. Point Man also showed off these three S.H.I.E.L.D. figures. A bashed Black Widow, bashed Phil Colson and the Hot Toy's Nick Fury. Three slightly different views of one of Panzercommander's 4th Armored Division, 25th Cavalry Stuart Tanks. This is one nice looking tank and the crew is really well done. It is a sharp looking piece and compliments his 25th Cav unit really nicely. Here are just a few of Trooper Tim's SciFi/Video Game related custom figures. I am not familiar with any of the characters, so I can't provide any additional information about them, but as always they are very imaginative and well done. AND THAT BRINGS US TO THE MAY MEETING... We start with another one of Tim's SciFi figures, this time a storm trooper from the latest version of Star Wars, operating a two-legged walker/gun platform. I'm thinking that this must be a product that is currently available in the stores, rather than a bashed piece, but I am not familiar with it. GI George showed some bashed WWII Marines that he had put together... ...and this really cool WIP diorama vignette that he is working on. With the Vietnam era soldier huddled behind the wall, it looks like a scene from the Tet Offensive. Very cool! Panzercommander also showed a selection of Marines that he has put together in anticipation of an upcoming club dio/photo shoot that the SSCC will be doing in July. Part Two of our WWII Pacific Island invasion is finally going to be done. It has only been six years since the last Pacific shoot. Time flies! Point Man brought a WIP project, his backdating of the 21st Century Little Bird. The 21st century "Vietnam" chopper was actually just another release of their AH-6 Little Bird. Point Man is attempting to backdate the chopper to an OH-6, which would have been the correct version of the Helo during the Vietnam War. Major differences in the two versions of the chopper are the rotor assembly, the tail section and the interior details. Here is the in progress rework of the flight deck thus far. New instrument panel, foot peddles and more are the obvious changes. This will have to be completed before it is reattached to the rest of the chopper. Here is the back section of the main body. The original interior was discarded except some of the floor panels and it was rebuilt. There are additional details still to be added before it is completed. The pilot figure, seen in the top shot is a WIP as well. The body was an 11" super articulated body from Hasbro. The legs had a half inch removed to make him even shorter. He will need to be if he is going to fit on that flight deck. Two other Vietnam figures were brought by Point Man for comparison. The one one the left is a Dragon figure that had a half inch removed from his legs to make him a little shorter and the figure on the right is a Dragon figure (unaltered) with a Sideshow sculpt. Finally we have a couple of figures brought by Gray Ghost that he has bashed. Two WWII tankers, based on two of the characters from the movie FURY. They are wearing those new tanker helmets MAX Toys. The general consensus was that the detailing on the helmets was pretty good and they are certainly going to work well with larger head sculpts, but the painting leaves a little something to be desired. Repainting is definitely recommended. That's all for this month, hope you enjoyed the pics.
We had a great meeting in February. Club President, Hammer Six was off on a cruise and probably having an even better time, but there was still a good crowd and we had plenty of eye candy. We lead off with Trooper Tim, who showed off this Hasbro Hulk Buster. I've never actually seen this piece at retail, but was impressed with it's close to 1/6th size. It was a big figure. I understand that Walmart has been blowing these out at a good price, but as I said, I have never seen them. Next to that is another one of Tim's fantasy figures with a couple of really nice ancient columns. Those are pretty cool. Above are some more of Tim's Sci Fi/Fantasy figures. A Vader (on right), gone Destro it appears. The middle figure looks more along the line of an urban street fighter and not sure what the black robotic figure on left is, but it is pretty cool. Next, Eric showed this nicely finished German 2 cm Flak gun. He was calling it a WIP, but I thought it looked pretty nice already. Can't wait to see finished gun and crew. Panzercommander didn't have a display this month, other than one figure I saw hiding behind a box, but he had an impressive display of sales merchandise that yours truly drooled over. His junk is better than most of what I have at home in my parts boxes. (drool, drool, drool....) Gray Ghost had put together a nice WWII Captain America as well as a "War Daddy" figure from the movie Fury. Gray Ghost fashioned the shield on the "cap" figure out of styrene. Really nice job Bro. Dr. Zorkon put together this vignette featuring a young and old Boris Karloff and a movie camera man. The camera is from the Charlie Chaplin set. However the good Doctor's camera got a lot of extra attention before it made the vignette. Here's a before picture of the camera. As Dr. Zorkon told me, not only was the painting fairly poor, there were missing parts to the camera. He had to do a considerable amount of work to get it to look correct. Above is his finished camera...repainted and completed with the missing parts. It is a beautiful piece to be sure, but it is the work that he put in to it that really sets it apart from the original. Continuing with a movie/TV theme, Point Man brought some of his comic/fantasy figures. First we have the 1966 TV versions of Batman and Robin by Hot Toys, sold through Sideshow. These two figures really display an uncanny likeness to the original actors and costumes straight out of the box. Here's Point Man's version of Captain America (WWII). riding an Indian motorcycle. The base is an old plaque that Point Man had lying around. He stuck a couple of nails in it to hold the motorcycle up in a "Jumping" position and then painted the plaque with acrylic paints. Some more Hot Toy figures, this time the AVENGERS. Hulk and Thor from the first Avenger Movie. Captain America from The Winter Soldier and Iron Man from Iron Man 3. The Hulk literally towers over the rest of the figures; I think he's ready for that Hulk Buster. Point Man's final item for the evening was this trio of Harry Potter characters from STAR ACE, distributed through Sideshow Collectibles. The figures are all pretty good likenesses of Harry, Ron and Hermione from the first Harry Potter movie - Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. Standout Accessory is probably the chess set with actual chess pieces that comes with Ron.
And that is the February Meeting. There will be a meeting in March as far as I know, even though the FIGURECON at Entertrainment Junction is the weekend of March 5th and 6th. If you haven't made plans to attend the FIGURECON and you live in the Midwest, I can't stress enough how great these shows are. Sure if you want to buy GI JOE gear at that show down south the following week, by all means head on down to Atlanta. If you want to see figures and vehicle and meet a great bunch of guys (and still buy stuff... you know.... real action figures), then join us at Entertrainment Junction Saturday and Sunday, March 5 and 6th, you will not be sorry! The SSCC had a great meeting the first Wednesday of this month and here are some of the images from that meeting. Panzercommander led off with this great looking American Jeep from Dragon and a group of GIs dressed for winter weather. As usual the detail and accuracy is first rate and Panzercommander knocks this one out of the park. This Sturm Tiger was originally built by club member Gary1930, who passed away last year. It is now in the collection of Eric B. This thing is huge and everyone was blown away by it. Gary did a beautiful job of building and painting it. It is going to be up to Eric to finish detailing it. This was a great little vignette by Dr. Zorkon. I think we were all just amazed at how great this looked. The bike is nothing short of amazing, but the attention to detail with the kid's outfit, the paperbags with papers and the scenic-ed base really just pulled it all together. It was a great looking scene. I think I even had a bike like that as a kid, mind you it was red. Dr. Zorkon also showed this rather dramatic motorcycle scene. That appears to be a Princess Leia, in a not so "Star Wars" leather ensemble, firing her firearm while racing along in a high speed turn. She is either being chased by bad guys or doing a drive by hit. You will have to use your imagination on that one. GI George showed a variety of WWII and modern soldiers. This German Field Marshall standing at a speaker's podium was pretty cool and to the right of him you can see a Vietnam Grunt. Next was a Dragon Kublewagen with a selection of German soldiers. Finally we have some Russian soldiers - modern and WWII. Blackjack had this trio of modern American soldiers and gear. I was especially impressed with the drone that they are getting ready to launch. It is very detailed and I wouldn't be at all surprised if it could really fly. Hammer Six brought this trio of German figures. Two SS Officers and a German nurse. He has replaced the Dragon Elsa figure with one of the new articulated Barbies (she's a heck of a lot better looking than Elsa, that's for sure). All in all, a great meeting. Lot's of eye candy and plenty of trading. Looking forward to February (ed.)
December 2015 Meeting Highlights? Well, this is fairly embarrassing, I took pictures at the December meeting, but I cannot find them anywhere. I think that I might have deleted them from my camera accidentally. I took a couple of items to the meeting and I snapped a couple of quick pics of them so that I would have something for the update. I apologize to all the club members that did bring stuff to the meeting. I would have liked to have posted those pictures, I do remember that Hammer Six had a couple of great looking German armor pieces, Eric B. brought his scale WACO Glider to the meeting for the first time and Panzercommander had some excellent figures as well... sorry guys! (Ed) The first item that I brought was this small vignette of a WWII War Correspondent relaxing in the field behind the lines, behind him are his field desk and a variety of details. Still a work in progress, the White Scout Car made another appearance. There have been a few additional details added and in just the last few days this vehicle was finished and weathered.
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