Due to the holiday on Wednesday, the monthly SSCC meeting was held on Thursday, the 5th of July. It was a good group and we had a great meeting. Plenty of stuff to see and we'll start with the figures I brought (Point Man). This is a group of Korean War era U.S. Soldiers, seen from 2 slightly different angles. The figures were bashed on Dragon figures, using boots, coats and some hats from the Soldier Story figure that I picked up at War Toys. The gear was WWII Dragon issue and was painted olive with acrylic paint.
This beautiful Waffen SS figure was put together by King Tiger. Dean bashed this figure using product from several different manufacturers. He then set it into this really nice scenic base to create an awesome looking vignette.
It is seldom that Dr. Zorkon brings a figure that is "straight out of the box", but in this case, you really didn't need to do anything to this one. This is the Gene Cernan - last man on the moon figure. It is a beautiful piece of work with some amazing detail, like that camera. I had to stand back so as to not get drool on this one. |
Next, Mark wowed us with this Albert Einstein bash. He started with a headsculpt that he picked up online and created the rest with an outfit from a Barbie (Ken) figure and a Dragon body. The blackboard is a piece that he previously had created for a "Professor Jones" display.
J. Kidd was in Star Wars mode and displayed these really cool Imperial figures. The to shot shows his Side Show Governor Tarkin with a character from the movie Rogue One (I don't remember this character's name). That figure is actually a Disney product, but it is very nicely done.
John also had this awesome looking Side Show Darth Vader and Imperial Snow Troopers. The Vader figure had some nice light up features, like the light saber. Very cool indeed.
CINDY had this really nice looking line of Joe bashes that she was working on. All Joe bodies, but with a variety of uniforms and gear from Dragon and other manufacturers. She likes to do all of her figures on Joes for a uniform look in the figures themselves and she likes how the Dragon uniforms fit on the slightly smaller Joe bodies. I have to agree they look great.
I particularly liked this bashed motorcycle rider. Nice ride!
Gregory brought this 1/12th T-Rex that he found, a release based on the new Jurassic World movie. It is pretty cool, even if it is 1/12th scale and all of us agreed that it could be used in a 1/6th scene as a smaller dinosaur. Even smaller, he would still be rather intimidating. Pretty neat.
George had these totally cool mercenary type figures that represent characters from a video game. I am not familiar with the game, but I sure thought the figures were cool...especially because as "bad" as these guys look, they are the good guys. Can't imagine what the bad guys look like.
The level of detail on these figures was pretty amazing. I really love the tattoos and that belt buckle on the figure on the left (above/below) is just really nice. The masks are pretty cool too. I would not mess with these guys.
Club President, Hammer Six had a nice collection of Waffen SS Figures on display. First, were these two infantry officers. He found the uniforms online at a greatly reduced price and bashed the two figures.
These German SS Tankers , show from two slightly different angles are his Panzer IV crew. They are all wearing leather uniforms and represent a crew from the 12th SS Panzer Division in Normandy. Very nicely done.
Next we have this 3rd Infantry Division corporal riding a Harley Davidson motorcycle. Panzercommander put the figure and his ride together at the meeting to build this nice display. The figure is absolutely amazing as are all of Panzercommander's bashes and the motorcycle is incredible. The detail on this thing is just spectacular!
Lastly, Gray Ghost brought a work in progress to show. He is cutting out parts to create a scratchbuilt Daimler Dingo, like the one that Point Man showed at a previous SSCC Meeting. Phil is just about ready to start assembling his.
And that wraps up the July meeting. Some great stuff as always, looking forward to the next one.