Well... I'm running about a week behind on getting the meeting update online, but here it is. We start off with Hammer Six's beautifully detailed MARDER II. This baby has been featured before. But Hammer Six finally got his crew together and wanted to display it with figures and additional details. I will let the following pictures speak for themselves, but Hammer has loaded this baby down with all kinds of cool stuff and done a beautiful paint job as well. Outstanding work old buddy!
Next we have a group of five Joes kitted out by Club Member Cindy. I think I have mentioned before that she likes to use Vintage style Joe bodies because of their smaller stature. She feels that the clothing fits them really nice. I sure can't argue with her assessment. These guys all look great. I especially like the medic figure.
Club Member , George had a variety of figures too, including a California style Cop, a 21st Viet Cong, a bashed U.S. Special Forces trooper, also from the Vietnam era and a modern day PMC.
George also brought his newest purchase, a Hasbro Humvee. He has big plans for this baby.
George and Point Man have been communicating by email about Humvees during July, so Point Man decided to bring his Humvee for another round of oohs and ahs, never get tired of those.
The crew of the Humvee obviously made a quick stop at the PX before heading out on their mission if the boxes of water, cigarettes and candy bars are any indication.
Hammer Six also brought these two heads that he just got. I don't remember who manufactured these, but I thought the expressions were great and I really liked the paint job on the eyes. The pictures just doesn't do them justice.
Club Member Gregory brought this great looking 1/4 scale Dark Knight. It was pretty impressive both in size and attention to detail.
And to finish off this month's eye candy, Dr. Zorkon brought these two bashed female figures. Outstanding work as always by the good doctor. I particularly thought the sculpt on this first one looked incredibly lifelike. And that concludes this month's meeting update.