That's it for tonight. The modern printables did pretty well for the site by the way, over 600 hits on it. Until next time, have a good one!
Well, it is kind of cold here in central Ohio this evening (relatively speaking). The heat's running and my feet are cold. A lot of the leaves came down the last couple of days and it is starting to feel like winter. Seemed like a good time to look at a recent release from Soldier Story - 101st Airborne, Bastogne. Now, I don't know about you guys, I like Band of Brothers as much as the next guy, but it sure does seem like the whole paratrooper thing has been done to death. Heck, between the various companies, they have probably released an entire company of 1:6th paratroopers........easy (yes, pun intended). That said, this recent Paratrooper from Soldier Story is pretty nice. Let's start with that great coat. Pretty nicely done, the stitching looks good and the brass buttons are nice. That watch cap is pretty sharp too. It fits on the sculpt in a very realistic manner, not looking oversized for the figure There is nothing wrong with the M43 uniform underneath either. It looks really good and the weight of the cloth looks realistic on the figure. I particularly like the helmet with the netting and helmet band. That band is a pretty much overlooked item on WWII figures, giving the helmet a unique look. The rest of the gear is pretty much standard fair for Soldier Story, in other words...first class, but the pictures pretty much tell the story. The Thompson is real sharp looking. I haven't read anything on this set, but it looks like a real wood stock and fore grip. If it isn't, well... it is a nice paint job. I also like the Bastogne sign that comes with the figure, it would be a great addition to a vignette or small diorama with two or three figures. Add a Major Richard to this figure and you would have a pretty nice scene. A gander above at some of the gear that comes with the set. Cotswold's shows this figure at $90. Which, though out of my price range, seems to be about average for a good figure these days. And this does look to be a nice one. Comments?
That's it for tonight. The modern printables did pretty well for the site by the way, over 600 hits on it. Until next time, have a good one!
10/28/2010 12:40:04 pm
He looks really good. but like you said, the paratroopers have been done to death, even with the improvement in quality I can't justify spending more on them. I think I still have 10 pair of steiner m42 uniforms in a bag someplace lol
Panzercommander (HOH)
10/28/2010 12:42:27 pm
The figure looks great! Gotta love Soldier Story's US gear too - probably the best stuff out on the market today. I know I've bought a lot of their M-1936 pistol belts loose for my Marines, Paras, and Infantry. They are truly top notch! Much better than DiD and DML for sure!
Panzercommander (HOH)
10/28/2010 12:43:16 pm
Agreed - the US para theme has been beaten to death!
Hammer Six
11/3/2010 06:28:36 pm
Nice figure......................done to death. I am looking at 16 US Airborne figures on my desk as I sit here typing this. Probably have four more in the bunker that I have yet to un box. They are all differnt so why would I want another.
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