Well, that's all for tonight. Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving, until next time, have a good one!
Each time I see new pictures of the new Dragon Panzer II, I am really glad that I ordered one. These are the latest pictures to show up online and I am really pleased at the level of detail. Of course I am not surprised. Dragon has a history of taking 1/35th subjects and turning them into 1/6th products. They actually did this model of the Panzer II a number of years ago. The detail in these pictures looks just as good. I think the picture above shows how good that detail is going to be. It's a very sharp looking model. The earlier pictures that were online didn't show a lot of detail. I am pleased to see that there are going to be a lot of tools included, that were not shown in the earlier photos. This is the first time I have really seen a view of the back like this. I really like how they have finished the muffler. That looks sharp. I was telling Hammer Six last week that I sure hoped that hitch was going to be functional. That would add a lot of possibilities. It really does look good. Can't wait for it to get here. I am pretty excited about it. Hammer, Panzercommander and I have already got a shoot planned - Battle of France.
Well, that's all for tonight. Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving, until next time, have a good one!