Scott brought a collection of Special Forces and PMC troops which he set up in his collection of wood and foam diorama sets. They apparently have just finished a mission and are reviews some of the items that they collected during the operation. As always, Scotts figures are super detailed and his sets are outstanding. Great work man. This is a cool diorama!
Scott also brought one of his Little Birds to display a cool custom 3D printed light that Justin made for the front of the cockpit. Don't ask me for details on the light, because I cannot remember the details, but it is very cool and actually can swivel around like the real thing.
Fred continues his "Masters of the Air" theme with another Army Air Corps figure this month. This time our pilot is in Dress Uniform. As always, Fred has put together a beautifully done figure.
Eric is currently working on a unit of WWII Marines and he brought this battle weary trooper to the meeting. Nice weathering job buddy. He looks like he has been on the line for quite a while.
He also brought this little 3D printed bomb that he has custom painted.
Finally, Eric brought a couple of items that he picked up at the Show of Shows. The first is this Navy aircraft camera. It even came with a roll of film. Apparently these were mounted in aircraft starting in WWII, but actually continued to be used into the Vietnam War.
Next was this emergency signaling device. that was carried on both Air Corps and Navy planes. It was hand cranked so batteries were not required.