I must apologize because I never got around to posting the April Meeting photos. So this month you get a double header. We'll start with the April photos first.
We'll start with some German figures from Hammer Six. This first one is a German MG42 gunner in cold weather gear.
We'll start with some German figures from Hammer Six. This first one is a German MG42 gunner in cold weather gear.
Next, below was the DID Reinhard Heydrich SS Obergruppenfuhrer figure. I really think DID did a nice job on this one, very detailed with a nice sculpt.
Here's that DID Army Supply Duty figure that stirred so much controversy because the sculpt looked like some soccer player, who's name I can't recall. Well, be that as it may, it is still a great figure and I like the sculpt.
This appears to be a bashed figure with a Gangster Kingdom sculpt. Judging from the scowl, he is not particularly happy with lunch.
Hammer Six completed his April Eye Candy with this Hitler Youth bashed from a Ron Weasley figure. Kind of a fun bash.
Below we have a couple of Vietnam era U.S. Infantry soldiers by Gray Ghost. The first is an African American figure by Dragon. I should mention that both of these figures were WIP projects. You'll notice that there aren't any ammo pouches yet, Gray Ghost was working on procuring those at the time.
This photo, below, shows the ARVN rucksack by 21st Century, updated with new straps and a homemade, hand painted helmet cover by Gray Ghost. Very nice job on both items.
Point Man's bashed Wolverine figure with Triumph motorcycle. The headsculpt is a custom job bought from overseas and the outfit is one that was done by one of those little companies that does a number of movie related outfits. The hands with the claws at the bottom of the frame actually have metal claws.
Point Man also showed off these three S.H.I.E.L.D. figures. A bashed Black Widow, bashed Phil Colson and the Hot Toy's Nick Fury.
Three slightly different views of one of Panzercommander's 4th Armored Division, 25th Cavalry Stuart Tanks. This is one nice looking tank and the crew is really well done. It is a sharp looking piece and compliments his 25th Cav unit really nicely.
Here are just a few of Trooper Tim's SciFi/Video Game related custom figures. I am not familiar with any of the characters, so I can't provide any additional information about them, but as always they are very imaginative and well done.
We start with another one of Tim's SciFi figures, this time a storm trooper from the latest version of Star Wars, operating a two-legged walker/gun platform. I'm thinking that this must be a product that is currently available in the stores, rather than a bashed piece, but I am not familiar with it.
We start with another one of Tim's SciFi figures, this time a storm trooper from the latest version of Star Wars, operating a two-legged walker/gun platform. I'm thinking that this must be a product that is currently available in the stores, rather than a bashed piece, but I am not familiar with it.
GI George showed some bashed WWII Marines that he had put together...
...and this really cool WIP diorama vignette that he is working on. With the Vietnam era soldier huddled behind the wall, it looks like a scene from the Tet Offensive. Very cool!
Panzercommander also showed a selection of Marines that he has put together in anticipation of an upcoming club dio/photo shoot that the SSCC will be doing in July. Part Two of our WWII Pacific Island invasion is finally going to be done. It has only been six years since the last Pacific shoot. Time flies!
Point Man brought a WIP project, his backdating of the 21st Century Little Bird. The 21st century "Vietnam" chopper was actually just another release of their AH-6 Little Bird. Point Man is attempting to backdate the chopper to an OH-6, which would have been the correct version of the Helo during the Vietnam War. Major differences in the two versions of the chopper are the rotor assembly, the tail section and the interior details.
Here is the in progress rework of the flight deck thus far. New instrument panel, foot peddles and more are the obvious changes. This will have to be completed before it is reattached to the rest of the chopper.
Here is the back section of the main body. The original interior was discarded except some of the floor panels and it was rebuilt. There are additional details still to be added before it is completed.
The pilot figure, seen in the top shot is a WIP as well. The body was an 11" super articulated body from Hasbro. The legs had a half inch removed to make him even shorter. He will need to be if he is going to fit on that flight deck. Two other Vietnam figures were brought by Point Man for comparison. The one one the left is a Dragon figure that had a half inch removed from his legs to make him a little shorter and the figure on the right is a Dragon figure (unaltered) with a Sideshow sculpt.
Finally we have a couple of figures brought by Gray Ghost that he has bashed. Two WWII tankers, based on two of the characters from the movie FURY. They are wearing those new tanker helmets MAX Toys. The general consensus was that the detailing on the helmets was pretty good and they are certainly going to work well with larger head sculpts, but the painting leaves a little something to be desired. Repainting is definitely recommended.
That's all for this month, hope you enjoyed the pics.