Well, it has been a while since I have added an update. I missed a couple of meetings, and then forgot to take a camera a couple of times. If you are curious about what happened in the March through June meetings, you can catch shots that Panzercommander took over on the club's facebook page. I will try to do a little better job going forward - PM
Let's start with some figures that Hammer Six brought, all Germans of course - and all great looking figures!
Let's start with some figures that Hammer Six brought, all Germans of course - and all great looking figures!
GI George had this great looking PUNISHER figure from the Marvel TV show - DARE DEVIL. A great looking figure, that sculpt is tremendous!. I really like the scene that he put him into as well - a building wall and street made from foam insulation board, a little paint and it looks tremendous.
Amaral brought three custom creations, a WWII Russian soldier and two African soldiers (which I didn't get the whole story on). They look tremendous though. Great uniforms and gear, and the sculpts are really unique.
MADDOG CORPORAL brought two customized figures, one is a 90's era American GI wearing gear that Shawn wore when he was in the Army. The second figure is a modern Israel soldier, a fairly new figure. It is really nice and the sculpt is outstanding.
Point Man brought his newest project, a Cyber Hobby German Field Kitchen. He bought the field kitchen off of club member, DRONE and it has been sitting on a shelf in his War Room for several months. Now he is beginning to gather items to kit it out. The tables, stool, crates and most of the tools are scratchbuilt. Bread is from Dragon and DID. Potatoes and carrots are made with Sculpey. There are some Dragon and DID canisters as well and all of the personal paper stuff is stuff made using the computer and a printer. The art is all available at the club's printable link.
The cook is a Sideshow Sgt. Schultz that has had his legs shortened a bit.
The cook is a Sideshow Sgt. Schultz that has had his legs shortened a bit.
Finally, one of our newest club members, Greg, reminded us that we had a holiday the day before the meeting with this patriotic Captain America/Uncle Sam display. A great idea for sure! and that's all for JULY!