As usual I'm running a little slow on getting meeting pictures posted. We had a good group of folks at the August meeting and a fair amount of eye candy. These pics were taken with my phone, rather than my camera and are a little grainy, I also apologize to members who's projects do not appear in this recap. Some of the shots came out really dark and you simply can't tell what they are. Anyway, here is what I did get...
Point Man had a couple of WWII War Correspondents with a Jeep and all of their gear, including a scratchbuilt field desk.
A slightly different view from above. The Jeep is a slightly modified Hasbro Jeep with a new paint job.
Point Man also had this quartet of Normandy Tank hunters, bashed from a variety of accessories from different figures...
...all they need is a hedgerow and some American targets.
Another Hasbro Jeep from Point Man with a collection of later-war GIs from the 4th Armored Division. The GIs are a combination of Dragon, 21st, Auggie Romero and Newline pieces...
The Jeep has been modified with a stowage bin on the back and a couple of radios. There was also a wire cutter added to the front bumper.
King Tiger had created a small Jungle vignette for the evening and used it to display some Japanese soldiers....
which seem to be advancing unseen on Point Man's troops. Pretty cool little slice of South Pacific jungle.
Trooper George had this really cool kitbashed PMC figure. I love the beard that he has on this guy. It really gives the sculpt a lot of character.
Panzercommander continued the Jeep theme with this Dragon Jeep and US ETO soldiers. As always, highly detailed with great looking gear...
...I love that BBI pack radio. It is one sharp looking piece. Great Job Buddy!
And that is pretty much the August meeting. We are only about a week and a half away from the September meeting and I am already anxious to see what everyone is going to bring.