I apologize that there was not an update for JUNE. I was not at the June meeting as as far as I know there were not any photos taken at that meeting. The July meeting had a fair amount of eye candy. Point Man brought several projects that he had recently been working on and we will start with those.
This first shot shows two Dragon Jeeps from Point Man's 4th Armored, 37th Tank Battalion unit, along with some of his 4th Armored Mechanized Infantry figures. He brought these to show a Dragon Jeep kit that he had just completed (foreground) as compared to the ready to run version behind it. It seems like an opportune time to promote the kit as it has recently become available again from Dragon. You can order it from most of the online retailers.
Here are both vehicles from the back and as you can see, they are essentially the same, other than the fact that the kit takes a considerable bit more patience, than just taking the ready to run one out of the box.
Here's another shot of the kit, lettered as Headquarters Vehicle no. 2. This ETO version of the Jeep was actually built from a SAS Desert Jeep kit that Point Man had on hand. It contained all the necessary parts to do a standard Jeep, except for the glass windshield. Point Man came up with his own, but admits it was a pain in the but as the inside windshield frame was originally molded into the clear plastic piece. He had to create his own with sheet styrene.
The Out of the Box version with re-lettered front and back bumpers. He added a little additional weathering to finish it out.
A quick Point Man dio, built on a frame that he picked up at Hobby Lobby. It features a Dragon Schwimmwagen an Waffen SS in Autumn Camouflage. The groundwork for the dirt road was first sprayed on the board with some Testor's textured paint. Then some Woodland Scenics groundwork material was added.
The grass is from a piece of artificial turf found at Home Depot.
The grass is from a piece of artificial turf found at Home Depot.
The signpost is made of basswood with computer generated "Signs" glued on.
The figures are all Dragon and the uniforms and gear are mixture of different manufacturer's products.
The next thing that Point Man pulled out of his vehicle was this Vietnam era chopper that he has been working on for several months. It is still a work in progress, but it is getting closer and closer to completion. The latest modification was a new tail section.
The 21st Century Toys Vietnam chopper was actually a modern AH-6 Little Bird with a paint job. Point Man has been working hard to backdate the bird to what it would have actually looked like in the '60's and '70's. This includes a completely new interior, a new tail section and eventually a four bladed rotor, rather than the five bladed one that came with the toy. The mini gun on the left side was actually a little short for the model, so Point Man had to lengthen the barrels with styrene rod and strip.
The back compartment bulkhead was discarded and a new one had to be created to make the back compartment deeper. Yeah, it's still not scale, but it is at least a little closer.

The instrument panels in the OH-6 and the AH-6 are completely different. Point Man created scale artwork for a new panel before starting on the actual thing. That artwork is available to folks that are interested in trying the modification.
J. Kidd brought this great looking British Stuart (M-5) and crew. The tank is leathered for the Irish Guards and is meant to portray a light tank and crew taking part in the Market Garden Operation.
A nice variety of uniforms and gear have been done by John to add to this interesting and unique subject. There just isn't that much that has been done in terms of British armored vehicles and crews, this is a really nice change.
John created the British insignia using his computer, as well as a little free-hand painting here and there. Great job Mr. Kidd.
Hammer Six brought an interesting German Figure comparison (Two figures on the right). These are essentially the same release, one by Cyber Hobby and the other by Soldier Story. Both figures include all the same gear, but there are quite a few differences in some of the uniform materials, the painting process, etc. Oh, and as we all found out during the course of the evening... one stands really well and the other does not.
To the left, were three German bashes that he did in time for the meeting. All great looking figures all around.
Trooper Tim brought this cool looking roadster that he picked up. He says it needs a little work, but it is pretty cool already. I am ,of course, already trying to figure out how to turn it into a 1940's coupe .
He also showed this modern/Sci Fi troopers. Of course, anymore... a lot of modern stuff does look pretty Sci Fi. I particularly like the camouflaged one.
George brought this nice looking Hummer (forget who made these things) and what I think are some PMCs; though I am pretty sure that guy in the suit must be CIA. He looks like the type. Nice job all around George. Like those camouflaged pants, nicely weathered.
Panzercommander actually bashed this guy while we were having the meeting. If you look at the book, you will see the figure he was creating directly below the figure. Pretty cool.
As always, Panzercommander has used top of the line uniform and gear to complete the bash and it looks top notch from helmet to actual leather boots. Great looking figure!
Above, two different angles on the same WWII Soviet figure, bashed by Maddog Corporal. A nice sculpt and a great combination of uniform pieces and accessories.
This guy just looks like he is going to start spouting off with some serious propaganda. Nice job Maddog.
And that was about it. It was a great meeting, plenty to see and lots of BS flying. Everyone had a great time. Until next month - later!
This guy just looks like he is going to start spouting off with some serious propaganda. Nice job Maddog.
And that was about it. It was a great meeting, plenty to see and lots of BS flying. Everyone had a great time. Until next month - later!