On Wednesday evening we had our monthly SSCC Meeting. We were small in number due to folks working, weather, etc, but it was still a great meeting and there was plenty of stuff to see. We'll start with Club President, Hammer Six's display. Dick brought a trio of GOLDEN OLDIES. Classics from the early days; all German of course. We start with a figure called Paul by Dragon. This figure was from those days when Dragon was trying to transition from basic figures to something a little more upscale, so it has a combination of items (some basic, some more refined). This figure was actually a favorite of mine and I have one in my collection.
Next was this German Wehrmacht officer made by (believe it or not) Hot Toys. This was definitely an upscale figure for the time, with leather gear and a real cloth hat. I have never seen this figure before, I didn't know that Hot Toys had made any Germans.
A really nice early German figure from IN THE PAST TOYS. According to Dick this figure was modeled on a real life person. I don't remember this figure either, but the quality it quite a bit better than some of their offerings, especially the cap.
Point Man brought this ETO version of the SAS Jeep by Dragon. His purpose in doing that was trying to build in himself some enthusiasm for British figures again. Mike says it's time to get started on his DINGO again, he just can't seem to build up the will to tackle it. Anyway, the Dragon SAS Jeep is a very cool model.
Mike also brought these two figures that he put together during the meeting. The one on the right is a PMC made of various items from a variety of manufacturers. The figure on the left is a news photographer, also using a variety of items from the parts box.

George K. brought these four figures that he has been working on. The one on the left is a PMC, which for some reason, I didn't get a larger shot of (Sorry George).
George bought a 3D printer a while back and has been experimenting with trying to make a variety of items. Here we see a really nice propane tank, a pointing hand and an assault rifle - all made on George's printer.
Cindy brought some bashes she has been working on. A Joe wearing a Patton uniform (Dragon), A German Pilot and a British soldier from the Falklands War. Also on the right is another figure she was working on at the meeting, a Greek Soldier. The helmet and shield are really cool.
New club member, Jack, brought this bashed figure that portrays a character from RESIDENT EVIL. I am not familiar with Resident Evil or the character, but I know cool when I see it. This guy looks awesome and the stuff that nightmares are made of; you wouldn't want to meet him in a dark alley (or a light one for that matter). Nice work Jack.
Panzercommander brought a figure to work on, but it was still a WIP when I had to pack up for the evening. He was putting together a supply sergeant to show off these beautiful handmade crates that he had acquired.

As is his custom, plenty of work will go into the figure and the vignette before he considers it done and I am really looking forward to seeing the final pictures.
Here's a closeup of the crates with a couple of real metal 50 caliber ammo cans in one of them. These are just outstanding.
And that is it for the May meeting. If you live in the area and can make our June meeting, we would love to have you join us. We meet the first Wednesday of each month and there is a page on this website with more information. - PM out