CheckmateKing2's Kingdom
Head on over an' check it out, you will be glad you did. Well, that is it for this evening. Join us again tomorrow night for a new update. Until then, have a good one!
Tonight we are going to feature CK2 and his site again with a brief discussion of his Indian Tepee. The first time I ever saw this thing was in pictures on Green Leader's site, which I finally saw it in real life, I just couldn't believe how cool it was because pictures just don't do it justice. Not only is it scale, it has some absolutely beautiful hand done artwork on it. And the great thing is, if you want one for your Braves, you can make one too. ![]() The reason why is simple, if you venture over to CK2's website, you will find a terrific pattern with instructions that will enable you to make your very own Plains Indian Tepee. The diagram at left is just one page of those instructions, which CK2 has provided in 1:6th format. I believe he even has some comments on the process to help guide you through it. I mean look at it, what's not to like (picture below). Imagine a whole Indian village of these things, each with their own unique designs. There are probably tons of resources online to help with the artistry element. I know that Okimbored is thinking right now,"wouldn't my Cavalry look really good riding into an Indian village?" Yes, of course it would. Especially if your Indians are all wearing buckskins created from the pattern that is also on CK2's site (Yes, and "HOW"-okay I know, really bad pun). ![]() To get to CK2's website, if you don't already have it bookmarked, click on the link below. CheckmateKing2's Kingdom Head on over an' check it out, you will be glad you did. Well, that is it for this evening. Join us again tomorrow night for a new update. Until then, have a good one!
Okay, I'll admit it...tonight I am doing a shameless plug for my good friend's website, but Mountain Men are cool and he got the pattern for this great outfit on his site, you really do need to check it out. I clearly remember the first time I ever saw this picture by CK2 on GL's website. I was in absolute awe. Up to the point when this shoot appeared on the site, pretty much all the figures I had seen were military themes. This was something completely new by my good friend CK2. Even by today's standards, this Mountain Man is a work of art. But the significance of this figure for me was that it opened up the possibility of modeling historical figures. You couldn't help but look at this and think about all the other scenes of the Great American West that could be modeled in 1:6th if one just had the time and patience to do it. Of course over the years, Ck2 has continued to explore the American West with unique Indian figures, other Mountain Men and Cowboys. He has created wagons, and even a pioneer river flatboat. It has been tremendous stuff and I have enjoyed seeing each journey he's made into America's past. On his website, you will find a pattern for the buckskins that you see on the figure in tonight's update. ![]() Dog Soldiers is long gone as a company as far as I know, but you still can create the outfit in tonight's pictures if you can follow a pattern (or you have a wife that can). You too can journey into America's past and create your own Mountain Man or Indian figures. Visit CK2's website for patterns like this and a lot of other great things if you haven't already been there. You can find it at the link below. www.checkmateking2.weebly.com Yes, I love WWII Americans and Germans as much as the next guy, but I mean "come on, this is just too cool". Check it out on CK2's site and think about making your own Mountain Man.
Until next time, have a good one. I wanted to feature my good friend CK2 this evening and give you a personal invitation to check out his website; CHECKMATEKING2's KINGDOM I've known CK2 for a lot of years and yes, I still like him (ha-ha). Truthfully, he's one of those folk that would give you the shirt of his back. So, tonight in honor of his new website, I would like to share some of my favorite CK2 photos, but these all fall within a specific theme. Tonight, we are doing the Union Army. These two shots above really demonstrate his ability to get in and get the shot that tells an interesting story. Even without bullets flying, it still has a feeling of tension about it. ![]() These next four pics are from CK2's Vicksburg shoot. I love that Side Show Grant in front of CK2's scratchbuilt tent. What a great looking diorama. ![]() Here the boys are cooking up a little breakfast before moving out. That beautiful CK2 scratchbuilt wagon makes the perfect backdrop for this little scene. Here we are, ..."once more unto the breach"... Union boys have got the stone wall this time and something tells me that there aren't any southern boys that will be taking this line. (by the way, for all you that have at one time or another questioned my breeding, that quote is Shakespeare, King Henry the fifth) So congratulations old buddy on a great looking website. It came out real nice. You all hit on the link above and go take a look. You won't be disappointed. Until next time, have a good one.