CheckmateKing2's Kingdom
Head on over an' check it out, you will be glad you did. Well, that is it for this evening. Join us again tomorrow night for a new update. Until then, have a good one!
Tonight we are going to feature CK2 and his site again with a brief discussion of his Indian Tepee. The first time I ever saw this thing was in pictures on Green Leader's site, which I finally saw it in real life, I just couldn't believe how cool it was because pictures just don't do it justice. Not only is it scale, it has some absolutely beautiful hand done artwork on it. And the great thing is, if you want one for your Braves, you can make one too. ![]() The reason why is simple, if you venture over to CK2's website, you will find a terrific pattern with instructions that will enable you to make your very own Plains Indian Tepee. The diagram at left is just one page of those instructions, which CK2 has provided in 1:6th format. I believe he even has some comments on the process to help guide you through it. I mean look at it, what's not to like (picture below). Imagine a whole Indian village of these things, each with their own unique designs. There are probably tons of resources online to help with the artistry element. I know that Okimbored is thinking right now,"wouldn't my Cavalry look really good riding into an Indian village?" Yes, of course it would. Especially if your Indians are all wearing buckskins created from the pattern that is also on CK2's site (Yes, and "HOW"-okay I know, really bad pun). ![]() To get to CK2's website, if you don't already have it bookmarked, click on the link below. CheckmateKing2's Kingdom Head on over an' check it out, you will be glad you did. Well, that is it for this evening. Join us again tomorrow night for a new update. Until then, have a good one!