That's it for tonight. The modern printables did pretty well for the site by the way, over 600 hits on it. Until next time, have a good one!
Well, it is kind of cold here in central Ohio this evening (relatively speaking). The heat's running and my feet are cold. A lot of the leaves came down the last couple of days and it is starting to feel like winter. Seemed like a good time to look at a recent release from Soldier Story - 101st Airborne, Bastogne. Now, I don't know about you guys, I like Band of Brothers as much as the next guy, but it sure does seem like the whole paratrooper thing has been done to death. Heck, between the various companies, they have probably released an entire company of 1:6th paratroopers........easy (yes, pun intended). That said, this recent Paratrooper from Soldier Story is pretty nice. Let's start with that great coat. Pretty nicely done, the stitching looks good and the brass buttons are nice. That watch cap is pretty sharp too. It fits on the sculpt in a very realistic manner, not looking oversized for the figure There is nothing wrong with the M43 uniform underneath either. It looks really good and the weight of the cloth looks realistic on the figure. I particularly like the helmet with the netting and helmet band. That band is a pretty much overlooked item on WWII figures, giving the helmet a unique look. The rest of the gear is pretty much standard fair for Soldier Story, in other words...first class, but the pictures pretty much tell the story. The Thompson is real sharp looking. I haven't read anything on this set, but it looks like a real wood stock and fore grip. If it isn't, well... it is a nice paint job. I also like the Bastogne sign that comes with the figure, it would be a great addition to a vignette or small diorama with two or three figures. Add a Major Richard to this figure and you would have a pretty nice scene. A gander above at some of the gear that comes with the set. Cotswold's shows this figure at $90. Which, though out of my price range, seems to be about average for a good figure these days. And this does look to be a nice one. Comments?
That's it for tonight. The modern printables did pretty well for the site by the way, over 600 hits on it. Until next time, have a good one!
Tonight's update is going to be sort of a short one, but I wanted to get this one in while it was still sort of news. Histore & Collections has a new book out and tonight's update is going to be a short review... GOVERNMENT ISSUE, COLLECTOR'S GUIDE VOLUME II by Henri-Paul Enjames Publishers; Histore & Collections That's right, the French folks that bring you Militaria Magazine, plus lots of other great Military titles, have a followup to their fantastic first volume of GOVERNMENT ISSUE. And this book really does take up where the last one left off. Volume One's focus was military uniforms and gear of the US Army with some stuff on personal items. This book's focus is on personal items with some uniforms and gear thrown in, including a section on the items used by US Servicewomen in WWII. Between the two Volumes there is really nothing that the author misses when it comes to exploring the soldier in the ETO. I think the most incredible thing about Volume II is that it is stated that everything in the book is from Enjames' personal collection. If so, it is one amazing collection. At $50, the book is not cheap, but both volumes would give you one of the most complete WWII ETO American Soldier guides available. For those of you in the club, I will have my copy at the meeting tomorrow night so you can check it out.
Well, that's all for tonight, until next time, have a good one! Disclaimer - Well, I’m going to try something and if I don’t get my hand slapped, I will do it on a regular basis. I am going to review (advertise a product) that is coming out. The photos are the property of DID, the manufacturer, so I hope they will see it not as us ripping off the pictures, but giving them a little free advertising space. ![]() Well, DID has done it once again. This company has really set the bar high in the past with some of their outstanding Military figures, but I am really impressed with this one, but hey... I am a big fan of BAND OF BROTHERS and in particular I was really impressed with Actor Damian Lewis’ portrayal of Dick Winters. Now DID has done a beautiful job of honoring not only the Man that the story is about, but also the Actor. The headsculpt is right on. And DID has used that new process that gives a more realistic looking pigmentation to the face. It just looks like real skin. Compare the picture of the actor and the sculpt. It is a great likeness. The figure was featured in three different uniforms; Class A, D-Day and Market Garden. It is unclear to me whether the figure will come with three uniforms and all the related gear shown here, but since DID always does a class act on their offerings, I suspect it will. If it does, it is going to be one heck of a release. I am just really impressed with the level of detail on this figure all around and the faithfulness to the film (D-Day outfit includes an M-1). Well done DID, I can’t wait for this one. But hey, I will let the rest of the pictures speak for themselves. ![]() A footnote to this review. If you loved the film and haven’t read the book, pick it up, it is a great read. Also you might want to check out a couple of other books; BIGGEST BROTHER, by Larry Alexander, written specifically about Dick Winters. It gives you a slightly different perspective on his experience, and BEYOND BAND OF BROTHERS, by Dick Winters himself. I can recommend both of them. All photos, except shot of Damian Lewis are from
This is going to be sort of a short one tonight, but I wanted to get this in the update while it was still news. Histore & Collections has a new book and tonight I've got a quick review for you... GOVERNMENT ISSUE - VOLUME II COLLECTORS GUIDE by Henri-Paul Enjames Publishers; Histore & Collections That's right it is another fabulous book from the French folks that bring you Militaria Magazine and lots of other fantastic books on Military uniforms and gear. This book is a great follow up to Volume I of GOVERNMENT ISSUE. Page after page of beautiful color plates on a variety of subjects related to U.S. Soldiers fighting in the ETO during WWII. This book kind of takes up where the last one left off, really focusing down on a ton of personal items used by the U.S. fighting man. Whereas the first book concentrated more on uniforms and issued gear, this one spends quite a bit of time looking at the things available to U.S. servicemen that made their lives just a little bit easier. There are also chapters on uniforms and accessories of American service women as well, which was definitely missing from the first book. The amazing thing about the items in this book is that they are all from Enjames' collection. Between the two titles, they pretty much leave no stone unturned. They are simply the best guides on American WWII gear and "other items" out there. Of course the price tag is pretty steep at $50 a book (you might do better online of course). I can highly recommend both books. If you are in the club and are going to be at tomorrow night's meeting, I will be bringing the book with me so you can check it out for yourself. And that's all for tonight troopers.
Until next time, have a good one. |