The 15 cwt CS8 Morris-Commercial was first developed in 1934. Great Britain’s War Department had the need for a general purpose vehicle. Using the specs outlined by the War Department, the Morris Car Company designed a truck using many of the components from their 1933 civilian ‘C series’ range. The newly designed truck was designated CS8, (S denoting 6 cylinder and 8 denoting an approximate 8’ wheel base) it had a short stubby appearance with a high ground clearance. It became the workhorse of the British Army. The original design CS8 evolved into three Series, the Mark I, II & III. The CS8 continued development and production through 1942, being produced under contract by various British manufacturers. The CS8 was replaced in 1942 by a 4 cylinder variant designated the C4. The early CS8 has a small windscreen and canvas doors. These were replaced by a full windscreen and metal skinned half doors in 1941. The CS8 was powered by a 6 cylinder 25 HP side valve engine. The CS8 was adapted to many different uses during it’s life. Examples include a water tanker, petrol hauler, compressor truck, office truck and wireless truck. There was even a production of 100 armored cars designated CS9 based on the lengthened chassis of the CS8. ![]() It is a project that I have thought about for years. I read a book about the British Army in North Africa many years ago and the soldiers in the book were radio men. Their vehicle was a Morris like the ones that are pictured here. I have always admired the unusual lines of the truck and thought it would be an interesting project. ![]() After Lanny made my Marmon Herrington armored car and I did my SAS Jeep, I began to think even more about the Morris project. I really wanted to create one of the radio vehicles from that book. It would look much like the one at left. ![]() As the background paragraph above alludes to, there were a lot of variants of this vehicle and you could probably spend a lifetime modeling them all. The thing that will probably keep this project on the drawing board is the wheels. I simply don't have anything suitable. If anyone sees a busted Hasbro M8 lying around at a garage sale or something (and it still has the wheels) grab it for me, they would be perfect. ![]() Here's the same vehicle as above in model form. I think this is 1/35th, but I am not sure. I know one thing though, I am going to make one of these one day. I have some Brits that need a ride like this. Well, guys...that's all for tonight. Hope these shots got someone enthusiastic about a project they have been thinking about for a long time. Until next time, have a good one!