-Point Man

Point Man
Well, this is the first time trying this, so I guess we will call it a test. I thought it would be good to get the procedure down to a science before we cut off the Email version of the DAILY UPDATE. So for a bit we will be running the email version and this blog version at the same time as a dry run. I have found that I cannot upload pictures to the site at work however, so I will have to do this at night. We'll see how that goes. It's 11:15 pm right now, so I am thrilled about that. -Point Man ![]() The Update for tomorrow morning, July 7th, happens to be about my Batman series, so we will tie into that here as well. I personally have been a big fan of Batman ever since I saw my first Batman comic book. The first TV program I even saw in color was the 1966 Batman show. It happened to be the one where Catwoman falls in the bottomless pit (ouch). It has been years since I have paid much attention to what was going on in Batman's world, but after seeing Batman Begins and the Dark Knight, I began thinking about doing a comic series with Batman. I chose as the central figure in my series the Medicom Batman. ![]() My understanding was that the Hot Toy's version of the Dark Knight was more accurate with the costume in the film, but I chose the Medicom version because it was supposedly a little more likely to stand up to the type of handling my figure would receive as an actor in one of my comic series. And look at the picture, if this is an inferior product in the accuracy category, well then it is a might nice inferior product. ![]() I decided that I was going to mess with the storyline of my Batman saga. Robin was going to be a girl - Robin Grayson, a Robin Hood type bounty hunter that takes from the criminals she hunts down and gives to the poor of Gotham. Noble, but not exactly in accordance with the law. In my story, Batman must first win Robin over to his side before they can become the dynamic duo. ![]() Robin Grayson is not all of Batman's female problems. In Batman Begins, Batman was faced with thwarting the plans of former mentor Ra's Al Ghul. In my story, Ghul's daughter Talia has arrived in town, intent on revenge for her father's death. She is determined to kill Batman/Bruce Wayne at any cost and will enlist the help of other criminals to get the job done. Thus far only one of these stories has been posted on Green Leader's site and it was a fairly straightforward shoot with basically two locations. As additional stories are done, I am going to have to come up with some unique ways of capturing the action because I can hardly build a city in my basement. It poses some interesting problems and I am going to need some unique solutions to make it believable. Honestly, at the moment, I don't have a lot of ideas, but I am sure looking for some. If folks have ideas, I personally would love to hear them. Point Man