Some of you might remember this? TIME WARS was a "Traveling Sam" deal that I started over at Green Leader's about three years ago, that combined the idea of a traveling Joe with the idea of a online comic. It actually went through several people before it died the usual Traveling Joe death. ![]() TIME WARS even came with a ready made collection of special effects pieces that could be used by participants to create effects for their own endeavors. Amazingly enough, no one used them, which was a real shame because the effects pieces would have allowed for consistency from episode to episode. ![]() As I prepared for the opening episode, I even put together a primer for the series that gave some background information on the characters. Since it was a Sci-Fi piece, there were some props that had to travel with the figures. Pretty much everything a person needed to put together a story was available and yet the result was pretty much the same as other Traveling Joe efforts. So why is it that Traveling Joes seem to have a rather limited life span? What would it take for it to be successful? Could it be successful in our club such as ours? Is it something that people would like to try, or is it a waste of time? It seems to me that a traveling Joe is a great excuse to take pictures of one's collection and show them off (that is typically how it is handled). TIME WARS was probably too complicated for most folks. I guess I will never really know for sure. Anyway, I would like to hear your thoughts about this subject. That's all for tonight, have a good one!