With no serious competition, even ten years after the closing of their doors, Dog Soldiers remains a great product at a great price. something to keep in mind if your interested in this time frame since the supply truly is limited. If released today these figures would certainly be in the $60+ range and if the 1/6th hobby does see another company produce a similar product made with today's standards it would easily be $100+
Although I've only shown the basic Trooper as it would come from the dealer, keep in mind the many areas these figures could be improved. The shirt can be completely left out as it cannot be seen. The blouse could be greatly improved by removing the dot buttons and replacing them with real buttons from Battle Gear Toys. While I would choose to keep the plastic belt, the pouches, knife, and even the rifle could easily be replaced again from Battle Gear Toys. While not the greatest, I don't think there is a reasonably priced alternative to the boots, if money is truly no object to you Newline Miniatures makes some very nice ones. And many people are now making their own hats.
With some weathering to the entire figure you can easily have a great looking Indian Wars trooper for about $35 plus shipping.
Well, this is OKIMBORED signing off, thanks for reading and until next time, have a good one!