The finished diorama will have sandbags all across the little ridge that runs along the front of the diorama to build up the side of the trench and the gun pit. I figure probably two layers of bags along the pit and maybe as many as four in front of the gun pit. There will probably be sand bags in a few other spots as well, but along the front is where 90% of them will be.

The other project was some more 9th Infantry Grunts. My plan is to have two squads of 9th infantry, so that my Lt's platoon, well... looks a little more platoonish. I had five figures that I was working on this weekend and I "completed" four of them. The fifth guy is show in the diorama pictures above. He's got a little detailing to go obviously. Here are the other four.
Well... that is what I did this weekend. I would be interested in hearing what everyone else did this weekend. Let's hear from you. Until next time, have a good one!