Next were a couple of figures brought to feature his great looking telephone pole vignette. That wire reel setup from Dragon is a beautiful piece and it looks really sharp in a setting like this.
Starting this week, I am planning to do just one blog update each week. Normally, I will plan to do that Sunday night, though if there are conflicts it could happen on Monday evening. I am just finding it too hard to come up with material for three days a week (much less five). It was CK2's suggestion to go to once a week and I think it is a great one. It will allow me to work on some other things besides just the website. I will try to make the once a week update cover 2 or 3 subjects so that there is plenty to talk about the rest of week in comments. I would really like to see more of you participate in the blog. It's real easy to do. All you have to do is use your screen name, make a comment and hit submit. Would love to see more of you participate. So...until next time, have a good one!